In line with global patterns and we are already seeing evidence of Ireland’s climate changing. Over the last few decades our climate has warmed, sea-levels have risen, rainfall patterns have changed and we have been impacted by extreme weather events.
Climate projections indicate that the climate trends observed over the last century will continue and intensify over the coming decades. For Ireland the key longterm climate change trends are:
- Temperatures are increasing and are expected to continue to increase everywhere and across all seasons.
- When compared with temperature, projections of precipitation are less certain. However, significant reductions in levels of average precipitation are expected in Spring and Summer while projections indicate the increased occurrence of extreme precipitation events, particularly during winter.
- Projections show little change in average wind speed and direction. The frequency of extreme wind conditions are expected to increase, particularly during winter.
- Sea levels will continue to increase by up to 0.81m by 2100.
We can also expect to see:
- Increases in the frequency and intensity of summer heat waves, extreme temperatures and drought.
- Reductions in the frequency of frost and snowfall.
- An increase in the duration of the growing season (phenological cycle).
- Increases in the frequency and intensity of coastal inundation and erosion.
Further Information on observed and projected climate changes for Ireland.
Climate Ireland have developed a
Climate Data Explorer to help you understand current and projected future climate conditions for Ireland.
The tool provides two types of climate information:
- Observed Climate Information: Average historical climate data on variables including temperature and precipitation for the period 1981-2010 based on Walsh (2012).
- Climate Change Projections: Future projections of changes for variables such as temperature and precipitation for the period 2041-2060 (compared to 1981-2000) based on Nolan and Flanagan (2020).