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Woodland Creation on Public Lands

Woodland Creation on Public Lands

Native woodlands are an important part of Ireland’s natural heritage, history and culture, and are unique in terms of their biodiversity. They are home to specialised woodland animals, birds, insects and plants, including red squirrel, pine marten, great spotted woodpecker, narrow-leaved helleborine and wood millet, to name but a few. They provide numerous ecosystem services, including carbon capture, the protection and enhancement of water quality, wider habitat linkage, landscape enhancement, opportunities for outdoor recreation and interpretation.
Woodland Creation on Public Lands Scheme
The Department of Agriculture Food and Marines’ (DAFM) have established a Woodland Creation on Public Lands Scheme to support the development of permanent, non-commercial woodlands on public land that will deliver the following benefits:
  • Recreation of lost native woodland habitats, rich in biodiversity and cultural significance.
  • Reverse the fragmentation of other habitats and the loss of biodiversity corridors within the wider landscape.
  • Carbon sequestration from forests that will exist in perpetuity.
  • Protection and enhancement of water and associated aquatic ecosystems.
  • Provision of attractive woodland amenities, to promote health and well-being and opportunities for outdoor learning amongst local communities.
  • Enhancing air quality in urban and peri-urban areas.
  • Soil protection and the reclamation of former landfill and brownfield sites.
Guidance for Local Authorities
To assist Local Authorities in developing projects under this DAFM Scheme, CARO have produced a FAQ Guidence Document  (revised April 2024).  

The aim of the guide is to assist Local Authorities in answering the questions not otherwise covered in the DAFM Scheme document from choosing a site, procuring a forester, planning queries, health & safety, and the overall management of the established plantation.  

The document consists of a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) in relation to the creation of a native woodland under this Scheme along with two Request for Quotation templates (RFQ) which may assist Local Authorities in the procurement of a Registered Forester. The FAQ guidance document also includes two flowcharts to assist Local Authorities on the likely health and safety requirements that may apply.
Template RFQ Documents
Template RFQ - Woodland creation on Public lands - Planting with Construction

Template RFQ - Woodland creation on Public lands - Planting Only