In consultation with the local government sector, a new Local Authority Climate Action Charter was developed and published in October 2019, as an action under the national Climate Action Plan 2019.

The Charter is a key action in the Plan and will ensure every local authority embeds decarbonisation, sustainable development and climate resilience into every aspect of the work they do.
The Government Action Plan is a measure of how involved councils will be in addressing the climate challenge. Already, we are making progress across a range of areas, reducing the carbon footprint of our internal operations, increasing the energy efficiency of our housing stock, prioritising climate considerations in development planning and actively engaging our communities on climate issues. We are ready to build on what we have achieved.
Paddy Mahon, County & City Management Association
The Charter commits Local Authorities to several actions that will ensure they play a key leadership role locally and nationally in delivering effective climate action. Among the commitments, all local authorities will:
- Be advocates for Climate Action in our own policies and practices, and in our many various dealings with citizens and to underpin this role through the corporate planning process.
- Put in place a process for carbon proofing major decisions, programmes and projects on a systematic basis, including investments in transport and energy infrastructure.
- Deliver on a new target for the public sector of 50% energy efficiency and a 30% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030.
- Ensure all suppliers provide information on their carbon footprint and steps they plan to reduce its impact.
- Build local citizen engagement, particularly with young people.
- Partner & collaborate on climate action initiatives with local community groups, local enterprise and local schools and higher-level institutions.
- Support our employees to undertake changes in their lifestyles both at work and at home, to reduce carbon impact and encourage work-based employee-led groups to identify and implement ideas for improvement.
- Monitor, evaluate and report annually on the implementation of activities under the Charter.
The Charter is hugely ambitious for what we can achieve in the area of climate action and will act as a blueprint for future progress in creating an Ireland that is sustainable for future generations.
A copy of the Local Authority Climate Action Charter can be downloaded here and further information can be found on the LGMA website.