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Climate Action KPIs

Climate Action KPIs

Date: 25 Mar 2022

Four initial KPIs identified for the local government sector

The Local Authority Climate Action Charter requires local authorities to monitor, evaluate and report annually on the implementation of activities under the Charter and as such it is incumbent on the sector to identify a range of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that will measure and track progress of each local authority, and the sector generally, against the objectives of the Charter.

The CCMA Climate Action, Transport and Networks (CATN) Committee established a Climate Action Key Performance Indicators Working Group in 2021, comprised  of representatives from the CCMA CATN Committee, local authority staff working in the  delivery of climate actions as well as staff from  the CARO and LGMA Research Unit. 

The group initially commissioned a literature review to ensure an evidence informed methodology was being used to advance the work, a key objective outlined in the LGMA Corporate Plan. This research published in July 2021 provides a very useful platform from which local government in Ireland can begin the process of developing sectoral indicators while bearing in mind that simplicity, reliability and ease of implementation are the cornerstones that will inform those we select.

The CCMA - CATN Committee has identified four initial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the local government sector that are to be tracked. 
  1. Does the local authority have a designated FTE Climate Action (Awareness) Officer? 
  2. Does the local authority have a Climate Action Team? 
  3. Number (and %) of elected members and local authority staff to avail of climate action training as per the Local Authority Climate Action Training Plan?
  4. Number (and %) of adaptation actions being progressed by the local authority across the following stages: - Not Started; - On-going; - Postponed; - Completed; or - New.

The LGMA are now collecting the Climate Action KPI data relating to 2021 from all local authorities and a guidance document with detailed descriptions of what is required for each question has been issued to each local authority. 

NOAC have also requested that the results for indicators 1 and 2 are supplied to them for inclusion in their 2021 Performance Indicator Report that is due to be published in September 2022.
The survey must be completed by the 14th of April 2022 to align to NOAC data collection deadlines.