Date: 30 Sep 2021
The four Dublin local authorities in conjunction with Codema and CARO organised ‘Dublin Climate Action Week’ in September 2021.
The overall vision of Dublin Climate Action Week 2021 was – ‘to highlight Dublin’s climate action progress to its citizens and demonstrate the leadership role of the four local authorities in conjunction with other partners’.
A steering group chaired by Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council worked together to devise a programme of events and promotional material to showcase the shared objectives of the initiative which were to:
- Demonstrate progress on the implementation of the four Dublin local authority Climate Change Action Plans, and a regional approach to climate action;
- Engage with a full range of partners to share knowledge on efforts and innovation across sectors;
- Make climate action a ‘reality’ allowing citizens to see what climate action looks like;
- Promote this initiative so as to fully engage with EU and international cities and our climate peers; and
- Create a legacy so that this initiative can carry forward to subsequent years in a variety of ways.
The website was established as a portal for information and booking of events. In total over 75 in-person and on-line events were delivered across the CCAP theme areas of Energy & Buildings, Transport, Flood Resilience, Nature Based Solutions, Resource Management and Citizen Engagement. The website continues to be a repository of information containing recordings of events and links to local authority work in the area of climate action. In addition to the website, the handle #DCAW21 was used in conjunction with regional and local videos and various media to promote and highlight the activities during the week both locally nationally and internationally.