Date: 31 Mar 2022
Launch of Public Consultation
Minister Eamon Ryan announced Ireland's first Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy today with a pledge that Ireland’s charging infrastructure would stay ahead of the rapidly rising demand for Electric Vehicles (EVs).
The Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy 2022-2025, which is now open for public consultation, sets out a pathway for the crucial period out to 2025, as Ireland continues its rapidly accelerating progress towards its Climate Action Plan target of nearly a million EVs by 2030. In 2025, the Strategy will be reviewed and updated to take Ireland through to the end of this decade.
With over 50,000 electric vehicles already on our roads and EVs now accounting for an ever-growing share of new car sales, demand for charging will continue to grow.
While it is expected that around 80% of charging will continue to take place at home, the Government remains committed both to meeting the needs of those for whom home-charging is not an option and to the creation of a seamless network of publicly accessible and user-friendly infrastructure.
The Strategy identifies four main categories of infrastructure, serving different user needs according to where, when and how drivers need to charge their EVs. These are:
- Home/apartment charging
- Residential neighbourhood charging (including on-street and co-charging)
- Destination charging (e.g. Sports facilities, retail centres, hotels, tourist locations)
- Motorway/en route charging (ultra-rapid charging)
It sets out a plan for the delivery of each of these in the coming years, based upon partnerships between the Department of Transport and a range of relevant stakeholders, including industry, private charge point operators, local authorities and ordinary drivers.
A leading role will be played by Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland (ZEVI), a new dedicated office being established by the Department of Transport, in partnership with TII and the SEAI, to co-ordinate and deliver the policy pathway for low emission vehicles.
The Strategy also makes several recommendations in relation to the actions, funding streams and supports that will be put in place by Government to deliver a seamless publicly accessible charging network.

In support of a just transition to electric, this Strategy specifically considers ways in which to support wider access to EVs in population groups with low car ownership levels. Consideration is also given as to how to support the delivery of EV charging infrastructure in rural areas including the Gaeltacht and Islands, to support a rural transition to EVs.
Minister Ryan commented: “At this early stage in our adoption of EVs there is an opportunity for us to learn from best practice and creative solutions that have been tested in other locations already and to shape our policy so that we can deliver a network of publicly accessible infrastructure that is world class in terms of its interoperability, its broad coverage and flexibility of use for the vast majority of drivers. I urge people to read the strategy document and to have their say on how we design this new transport map.”
For more information please visit the Department of Transport’s website and to make a submission, please email responses to