Date: 08 Feb 2022
First call for technical assistance open
The first call for technical assistance from the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) is now open for online applications from local governments and/or organisations working in strict collaboration with local governments.
The deadline for applications is 1 March 2022 at 18:00 CET.
Awarded applicants will receive up to 9 months of tailored support by experts and the EPAH team to develop their energy poverty actions. The assistance available to Local Authorities is the following:
- Support local governments in the development of their actions to tackle energy poverty.
- Support a wider range of local authorities in starting and/or proceeding in their energy poverty actions.
- Provide technical assistance through a series of calls.
The call is a competitive one with assistance only available to a number of successful applicants.
3CEA Workshop
To help prepare Irish Local Authorities with their application the 3 Counties Energy Agency, who are an Antenna Organisation of the EPAH, are offering a workshop on Tuesday 15th February at 10 am Irish Time.
You can register for the event HERE.
Background to the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub
The Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) is the leading EU initiative aiming to eradicate energy poverty and accelerate the just energy transition of European local governments.
EPAH’s mission is to be the central platform of energy poverty expertise in Europe for local authorities and all stakeholders interested in taking action to combat energy poverty in Europe by providing direct support, online trainings, and research results and by building a collaborative network of stakeholders interested in taking action to combat energy poverty in Europe.
Energy poverty can occur in many forms: when the energy bills represent a high percentage of consumers’ income affecting their capacity to cover other expenses; when consumers are forced to reduce the energy consumption of their household. Low incomes, inefficient buildings and appliances, specific energy needs contribute to the challenge.
These conditions can affect people physical and mental health and well-being. Adequate warmth, cooling, lighting and energy to power appliances are essential services needed to guarantee a decent standard of living.
Easy access to energy services empowers the citizens to fulfil their potential and enhances social inclusion. Awareness about energy poverty is growing across Europe.
The Energy Poverty Advisory Hub (EPAH) is a collaborative network of stakeholders aiming to eradicate energy poverty and accelerate the just energy transition of European local governments. Our mission is to be the centre of energy poverty expertise in Europe for local governments and all stakeholders interested in taking action to combat energy poverty in Europe.
The Energy Poverty Advisory Hub has collected more than 200 inspirational cases during a research period that took place in 2021. The EPAH ATLAS is an online interactive database that allows visitors to discover local and international projects as well as measures addressing energy poverty across the world.
For more information on the EPAH please visit their website.