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Five Cities Demand Management Study


Date: 14 Apr 2021

Publication of Five Cities Demand Management Study Phase 1 Report and Toolkits

The Five Cities Demand Management Study identifies transport demand drivers, and assesses the suitability of measures to reduce demand in Ireland’s five largest urban centres—Dublin, Cork, Waterford, Limerick, and Galway.

CARO sat on the steering group for this study as did members from across the LA sector and the report and Toolkit are quite detailed and useful on a number of fronts including;
  • Climate Change Action Plan implementation
  • Assessment of traffic and congestion impacts
  • Active mobility/Safe Schools Plans
  • Air Quality/Clean Air work
  • Decarbonising zones etc.
As part of the Study, measures were examined using insight from international best practice and national stakeholder engagement in order to assess their impact in reducing emissions, tackling congestion, improving air quality, and improving the overall urban environment of the five cities.

The Study, which will be published in two phases, is intended to inform the direction of complementary demand management policy measures at a local and national level. Phase 1 of the Study consists of a report examining the qualitative elements of shortlisted demand management measures, and a set of user-friendly Toolkits to enable stakeholders, such as Local Authorities, to quickly identify appropriate demand management measures for their local contexts. Work has now commenced on the quantitative modelling for Phase 2 of the Study.

Further information and the Phase 1 report can be accessed HERE.