Date: 05 Jun 2021
Minister Roderic O’Gorman awards funding to 14 projects
The Youth Climate Justice Fund was announced in March 2021 with a closing date of 4th May 2021. In 2021 the Fund total was just under €500,000 and was open to applications from all national youth organisations funded under the Youth Service Grant Scheme and from Gaisce – The President’s Award.
Applications to the Fund were asked to propose projects which would achieve one, or more, of the following key goals or actions:
- Raise climate justice awareness among young people
- Educate youth groups and clubs on climate justice, including supporting development education organisations to work with young people
- Empower young people to influence, effect and sustain local, regional or national climate justice change, creating dialogue with people outside of the youth sector
- Deliver practical climate justice initiatives by young people in their communities, including supports to facilitate the participation of young people with fewer opportunities
- Develop youth related activities to embed climate justice communications, network building and deliberative capacity that connects with, and leverages, local youth and community activities
- Strengthen youth practitioner capacity to integrate climate justice education into their youth work practice
- Participate in and influence local public and private policy formation aimed at environmentally sustainable development and management of climate action
Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman, T.D., today approved funding to support 14 youth-led projects in the area of climate justice. In line with the recommendations of a specially convened Selection Committee, funding of almost €400,000 is being allocated to projects involving 23 youth organisations.
All projects funded under the Youth Climate Justice Fund 2021 are being led by a national youth organisation funded under the Youth Services Grant Scheme of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
Read more HERE