Date: 19 Jul 2021
Consultation open on new draft guidance
Under Action 50d of the Climate Action Plan 2019, Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform, Malcolm Noonan, TD, has launched a public consultation on draft guidance for upgrading the energy efficiency of traditional buildings.
- Open for submissions from: 19 July 2021
- Submissions closed on: 17 September 2021
Traditional buildings are the buildings that form the core of our cities and towns, and populate our countryside. In Ireland, they are typically built with solid, load-bearing masonry walls, single-glazed windows and timber-framed roofs. This type of construction was used in the majority of buildings built in this country before 1940 and forms a key component of our built environment.
These buildings account for approx. 15% of Ireland’s building stock, with many being protected structures or are located in architectural conservation area, but the vast majority do not have statutory protection.
The guidance being developed will assist specifiers and installers in making the right decisions when undertaking retrofitting works to traditional buildings. It explains how traditional buildings work, how to assess their performance and how to plan for climate change. Advice is given, not only on options for upgrading the building fabric, but also on efficiency measures for building services and what to take into consideration when upgrading existing services or choosing a new energy system for a traditional building.
A draft report and details on how to make a submission are available HERE.
A Project Steering Group, chaired by Built Heritage Policy, has been formed to oversee the preparation of the guidance and includes representatives from:
- The Built Heritage Policy and Climate Action Policy sections of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
- The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
- The Department of Education and Skills
- The Heritage Council
- The Office of Public Works