Date: 10 Dec 2021
The Local Authority Climate Action Training Programme is progressing at pace under the management of the Local Authority Services National Training Group (LASNTG).
The LASNTG have detailed the roll out of the training in their brochure for the remainder of 2021 and into 2022.
Four of the six training pillars having commenced with over 8,500 staff completing the Raising Awareness training alone. 4,540 Grade 3/analogous staff are now enrolled on the training programme and will have access to it for an 8-week period from November 1st - December 23rd 2021.
Championing Leadership training has been completed by 824 senior staff and elected members across 23 local authorities and is currently on-going in Carlow County Council and planned for Waterford, Cavan, Leitrim, Monaghan, Galway County and Dublin City Council in Q1 2022.
Building Capacity training will take place in January for the Councils in the Atlantic Seaboard South CARO regions. This pillar will then have been completed by all LAs.
The LASNTG ran a pilot training programme for the Delivery Action Pillar across five local authorities in July. This pillar which targets Local Authority outdoor staff across the functional areas of Roads, Environment, Water and Housing will commence in Q1. Nominated Local Authority staff will deliver this course in their respective Local Authorities.
A Flood Risk Management pilot training programme has been developed under Actioning Policy training pillar and has been rolled out to participants on a pilot basis.
A Green Procurement steering group are also currently working on the development of training programmes under this pillar.
Talk to your training officer for further information.