Date: 12 Aug 2022 The Climate Action Plan 2021 includes a suite of actions to realise the potential of Ireland’s offshore renewable energy potential, following the Programme for Government commitments to achieve 5GW of installed offshore wind capacity by 2030 and to produce a long-term plan to take advantage of a potential of at least 30GW of floating wind thereafter. The establishment of offshore wind in Ireland is a significant undertaking, involving action across many areas of Government. In that regard, a cross-Departmental Offshore Wind Delivery Taskforce has been established to accelerate and drive delivery and capture the wider and longer term economic and business opportunities associated with the development of offshore renewables in Ireland. There are several workstreams already well advanced in this area, including marine planning and consenting (NMPF, MARA, MAP Act); grid development framework; offshore renewable electricity auction framework; and ports policy. The challenge is to bring these together in a coherent whole of government plan that provides the necessary structures, governance, project management and delivery supports to ensure the medium term, 2030 and post-2030 targets will be delivered. To meet this challenge, the key objectives of the Taskforce are to: develop a system wide project plan, collating all activities underway across departments and agencies to ensure delivery of offshore wind and related targets; identify all aspects of work on the critical path, identify gaps, any areas of duplication, opportunities, potential for synergies and proactively manage risks to drive ensure delivery; identify opportunities to accelerate and align delivery of medium-term outcomes; ensure the potential benefits from establishing the offshore wind industry are maximised; ensure consistent messaging to the public and all stakeholders on what is happening regarding offshore wind energy and the benefits that will be delivered; and ensure alignment in the development of the ORE sector with work being progressed to improve and protect marine biodiversity through designation of Marine Protected Areas Membership The Taskforce is chaired by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, and its membership comprises senior officials from Government Departments and agencies with offshore wind related actions under the Climate Action Plan. The member organisations are: Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage; Department of Transport; Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment; Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science; Department of Public Expenditure and Reform; Department of Rural and Community Development, Enterprise Ireland; Commission for Regulation of Utilities; and EirGrid. The Taskforce will be supported in its work by project management experts, who will advise the Taskforce in creating the system-wide plan, establishing a programme management function and overseeing and reporting on delivery using project management best practice. The Terms of Reference for the Task Force can be seen HERE.