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Skills Needs to support delivery of Climate Action Plan

Skills Needs to support delivery of Climate Action Plan

Date: 24 Nov 2021

Expert Group on Future Skills Needs report the Demand for Renewable Energy, Residential Retrofit and Electric Vehicle Deployment Skills to 2030

The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) advises the Irish Government on the current and future skills needs of the economy and on other labour market issues. It has a central role in ensuring that labour market needs for skilled workers are forecasted and met.  

Recently, the group has identified the urgency to move towards a Zero Carbon Economy as outlined in Government’s a) Climate Action Plan and b) Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act, both reinforcing the need for reduced emissions by 2030.  

The report advises on the nature and quantity of the skills required by these Zero Carbon sectors over the next decade and will help inform the broader response put in place in order to deliver on the targets set for renewable energy generation, built environment energy efficiency and sustainable transport. 

A series of recommendations were established from collecting and collating ideas from stakeholders in several industries. Additionally, a labour market analysis was conducted to identify labour demand for the following years. The recommendations were divided into six main categories: 

  1. Renewable Energy  

  1. Residential Retrofit  

  1. Electric Vehicles  

  1. Promotion of career pathways in zero carbon economy activities  

  1. Alternative sources of skills supply for zero carbon economy activities  

  1. Public Sector Programme Management and Carbon Accounting Skills 

Given the urgency of meeting Ireland’s climate action goals, it is essential that these recommendations are prioritised within national skills, labour activation and inward migration policy. They should be centrally driven by Government, through a High-Level Implementation Group, working in close collaboration with industry and the education and training system in the years ahead. By doing this, Ireland can maintain progress towards its climate action goals.  

To read the full report click HERE