Date: 10 Dec 2021
Developed by the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine
The Woodland Creation on Public Lands Scheme is a new scheme developed by the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM) to encourage Public Bodies to establish new native woodland on suitable bare lands. The Scheme is grant funded by DAFM on sites of >0.1ha and can include for amenity provisions such as trials, seating, signage, and playgrounds. The scheme aims to conserve nature by developing permanent, non-commercial woodlands on public lands while also delivering many environmental and amenity benefits.
DAFM have released a Scheme document including Scheme Terms and Conditions for Public Bodies which can be accessed here. The Scheme document details all relevant information about the scheme and a step-by-step guide in relation to the application process.
To assist Local Authorities in developing projects under this DAFM Scheme, CARO have produced an FAQ Guidance Document. The aim of the guide is to assist Local Authorities in answering the questions not otherwise covered in the DAFM Scheme document from choosing a site, procuring a forester, planning queries, health & safety, and the overall management of the established plantation. The document consists of a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) in relation to the creation of a native woodland under this Scheme along with two Request for Quotation templates (RFQ) which may assist Local Authorities in the procurement of a Registered Forester. The document also includes two flowcharts to assist Local Authorities on the likely health and safety requirements that may apply.