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Climate Action and Economic Opportunities Conference 2021

Climate Action and Economic Opportunities Conference 2021

EcomOp1.JPG The Climate Action and Economic Opportunities - Local Authorities Supporting Enterprise conference was held on Tuesday the 12th and Wednesday 13th October 2021. 

The event was attended by over 400 attendees over the two days. The conference heard from a range of speakers how local authorities can, through their economic remit, support, encourage and nurture new and existing business and enterprise as they transition to a net-zero economy through innovation, digitalisation and the adoption of more sustainable practices. The speakers in the programme highlighted emerging trends and opportunities in this era of transformation with real world examples illustrating how the pursuit of initiatives seeking to address and respond to climate change are powerful and a source of competitive advantage that can transform business and uncover opportunities. 
The recordings and presentations from day 1 and day 2 of the event can be viewed below.

Conference Resources

Day 1

Catalysing Green Investment and Sustainable Finance
Cormac Murphy, Head of the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group Office for Ireland

Green Generation - Empowering Irealnd with Secure and Stable Renewable Energy
Teresa Patton, Programme Manager, Green Generation

Rural Working Hubs - Opportunities for Changine How and Where we Work
Pat Dowling, Chief Executive, Clare County Council

Irish Manufacturing Research - Enabling Ireland as a Global Leader in Advanced Manufacturing
Dr. Shirley Gallagher, Senior Tehcnologist, IMR

Dublin SMART Region: Scaling Innovative Solutions to Local Challenges
Alan Murphy, All Ireland SMART Cities Forum

Day 2

LGIU Research: International Local Government Mechanism Supporting Transition
Andy Johnson, Director, Local Government Information Unit

Enterprise Ireland: Promoting Enterprise and Creating Opportunity in a Transitioning Economy
Mark Christal, Manager, Regions and Entrepreneurship Division, Enterprise Ireland

Local Enterprise Offices - Supporting Change Locally
Padraic McElwee, Chair of the Local Enterprise Office (LEO) Network

Grant Engineering - Business Transition in Climate Transition
Niall Fay, Director, Grant Engineering

Galetech Energy - Forging a Greater Path in the Green Energy Transition
Darren Sherry, Director, Galetech Energy Services