Event Description This workshop is organised by the Coastal Change from Space Consortium. We are a consortium of Earth Observation experts and National geological/hydraulics institutions from Republic of Ireland, Canada, Italy, Spain, and the UK who have been funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) over the past 3 years to push satellite observation innovation to help improve our understanding of coastal processes and support coastal management decision making, planning and investment. The project has journeyed via user requirement capture to feasibility study to development and production. We have delivered over 3500km of coastal indicator products over 20 sites in 5 countries, including over 300km along the Irish Coastline. As part of our outreach plan, this workshop aims to explore top level user issues and how Earth Observation can help as a vital technology providing real evidence. After a short introduction, we invite you to listen to a panel of experts debate the issues they are trying to resolve in coastal management followed by a presentation from the consortium on what has been achieved, how the data has been validated and how Earth Observation can be a key supporting technology in the monitoring coastal erosion and accretion. See here for more information.