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Webinar on Law and Policies for Strengthening Climate Resilience

Events Programme

Webinar on Law and Policies for Strengthening Climate Resilience

13 Jul 2021

Event Duration

10:30 - 12:00

Event Description

Introduction to the Webinar - Dug Cubie (UCC School of Law, Chair)

Opening remarks - Isabelle Granger (IFRC)

•  Global findings on Law and Policies for Climate Resilience Tommaso Natoli (UCC School of Law and
•  Sweden, the Sendai Framework and Climate Change Adaptation: A Gap A nalysis Marie Aronsson Storrier (University of Reading)
•  Surveying CCA DRR Regulatory C oherence in Kenya Catherine Wangechi Mwangi (ICHA Kenya Red Cross Society)
•  Enhancing Integration of DRR and CCA into Irish Emergency Planning Peter Medway (UCC and IFRC
•  Open discussion
Concluding remarks - Giulio Bartolini (University of Roma Responsible for the Jean Monnet Project ‘DILAW4E’

Link to Webinar