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Events Programme

Webinar: Public understanding of climate change and support for mitigation

25 Jan 2022


Event Duration

Starts 12pm

Event Description

Does engaging with climate science motivate support for climate policy and behaviour change?

On Tuesday 25 January at 12 PM, the ESRI’s Behavioural Research Unit will present recent findings from the first measure of climate change comprehension in Ireland.

The webinar will feature results from an experimental test about whether engaging with a short climate science quiz alters support for a carbon tax and willingness to change behaviour. It will also provide an overview of findings from the quiz and highlight where knowledge is good and where gaps remain.

The webinar coincides with the publication of Public understanding of climate change and support for mitigation, an ESRI Research Series report by Shane Timmons and Pete Lunn.

For further details of the event see our website.

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