Date: 02 May 2023
Department of Finance publish their Climate Action Roadmap 2023
The wider policy actions in which the Department has a role in respect of climate action are not the focus of this roadmap. This plan is focused on the organisational-level actions the Department could take to meet this mandate, many of which will be undertaken in conjunctionwith the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform(D/PENDPDR).
The Roadmap can be viewed HERE.
The Climate Action Plan 2021 committed that public sector bodies would complete Climate Action Roadmaps. The Climate Action Roadmap is a document to be produced by public bodies which communicates how each public body aims to meet the requirements of the Climate Action Mandate 2022 and reach its 2030 carbon and energy efficiency targets. This requirement applies to all public bodies, other than Local Authorities, commercial semi-state bodies and schools, all of whom have their own requirements.
The first Roadmap, to be completed by the end Q1, 2023, requires public bodies to focus most attention on their plans for reducing total energy related emissions and fossil fuel related emissions from their operations in line with the targets in the Climate Action Plan 2021(CAP). Future iterations of the Roadmap Guidance will cover how to expand the scope of the Roadmap, which could potentially include other non-energy greenhouse gases, indirect emissions, and adaptation to climate change.