Date: 09 Aug 2021
Report to European Commission
The Comprehensive Assessment of the Potential for Efficient Heating and Cooling in Ireland was issued to the European Commission on 30 July 2021.
This is Ireland's second national comprehensive assessment issued to the Comission and provides an overview of supply of heating and cooling and of useful energy demand and final energy consumption for heating and cooling for all sectors in Ireland. It details current objectives, strategies and policy measures, in the context of the five Energy Union dimensions:
- Decarbonisation
- Energy efficiency
- Energy security
- Internal energy market
- Research, innovation and competitiveness.

Under EU legislation, Ireland is required to submit a Comprehensive Assessment of the potential for the application of high-efficiency cogeneration and efficient district heating and cooling to the European Commission upon request.
The requirement to undertake the comprehensive assessment is transposed into Irish national law through Statutory Instrument No. 426 of 20141 , the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) being designated as the responsible body. The analysis for this report has been carried out by Element Energy and Ricardo Energy & Environment on behalf of SEAI and the report has been prepared by Ricardo Energy & Environment, Element Energy and SEAI.