Date: 04 Aug 2021
New regulations for the installation of EV charging Infrastructure
The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD, has approved the publication of EU (Energy Performance of Buildings) Regulations 2021 (S.I. 393 2021) for Electric Vehicle recharging infrastructure. These regulations transpose requirements under the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).
These regulations require the implementation of appropriate infrastructure, to enable the installation at a later stage of recharging points for Electric Vehicles, for new buildings and existing buildings undergoing major renovation, with more than ten car parking spaces. They also require the installation of a minimum number of recharging points for all non-residential buildings with more than twenty car parking spaces by 1st January 2025.
- New buildings or buildings undergoing major renovations (other than a dwelling) shall install at least one recharging point and ducting infrastructure for at least one in every 5 car parking spaces to enable the subsequent installation of recharging points for electric vehicles.
- New buildings or buildings undergoing major renovations (containing one or more than one dwelling), which has more than 10 car parking spaces, shall install ducting infrastructure for each car parking space to enable the subsequent installation of recharging points for electric vehicles.
- Existing buildings (other than a dwelling) with more than 20 car parking spaces, shall install one or more recharging points before 1 January 2025
The regulations also mandate that Building Automation and Control systems should be installed in non-residential buildings with heating and air conditioning systems which have an output of above 290 kilowatts, before the end of 2025.
A Technical Guidance Document to providie guidance with respect to compliance with the requirements of these regulation can be downloaded HERE.