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Office of the Planning Regulator Publish New Research Paper

Office of the Planning Regulator Publish New Research Paper

Date: 31 Mar 2022

Case Study Paper CSP05 entitled ‘Climate Action and the Local Authority Development Plan’.

This Case Study Paper (CSP) is the fifth CSP published by the OPR.

The aim of the Case Study Paper is to demonstrate how local authority development plans have the potential to play a significant role, at local level, in supporting wider efforts to ensure that Ireland meets its ambitious climate mitigation targets. The Case Study Paper highlights how the inclusion of significant climate mitigation measures in local authority development plans can help to reduce carbon emissions at local level.
The research was undertaken by the team at MaREI, the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine, coordinated by the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) at University College Cork and was funded by the OPR.

The Case Study Paper can be read here.

Further information relating to the CSP is also available here.