Date: 22 Jun 2022
As part of the GAA’s Future Leaders Transition Year Programme, a new sustainability module has been launched by local authority Environmental Awareness Officers, Climate Action Regional Offices (CARO), the GAA and the Professional Development Services for Teachers (PDST).
Drawing on the expertise of the local government sector, the module includes core lessons on the Sustainable Development Goals, the GAA’s Green Clubs Programme, waste, water conservation, water quality, energy, transport and biodiversity.
There are optional lessons also on food transitions, coastal erosion, air quality, economics, business and climate change and climate advocacy.
More than 300 schools are currently registered with the GAA’s Future Leaders TY Programme and this new module, linked to the themes of the GAA’s Green Clubs Programme, will inform and guide TY students, as they develop into the future leaders and decision makers who will lead the evolution of their clubs, communities and society.
The official launch took place in Croke Park on May 17th during a Future Leaders event organised by the GAA and PDST.
Ready for the upcoming academic year, the module is now available to view on the GAA’s Future Leaders online learning platform. Further lessons are planned and a webinar to promote the module will take place at the end of this summer.