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Waterways Ireland Climate Action Plan Public Consultations Now Open

Waterways Ireland Climate Action Plan Public Consultations Now Open

Date: 27 Oct 2021

Waterways Ireland launches its first draft Climate Action Plan

Waterways Ireland is one of six North/South Implementation Bodies established under the British-Irish Agreement of 1998.   It is the cross-border navigational authority responsible for the management, maintenance, development and promotion of over 1000 km of inland navigable waterways, principally for recreational purposes. The waterways under its remit are the: 

  1. Barrow Navigation  

  2. Lower Bann Navigation

  3. Royal Canal                        

  4. Erne System

  5. Shannon-Erne Waterway    

  6. Grand Canal

  7. Shannon Navigation

Waterways Ireland recently launched its first draft of its Climate Action Plan and is open for Public Consultation.  The plan involved extensive collaboration among staff and stakeholder to devise a common strategy for creating sustainable and protected waterways across Ireland. The Climate Action Plan sets out the vision of Waterways Ireland to achieve its targets. The key targets of the Climate Action Plan are that, by 2030, we will have achieved at least:
• 51% reduction in emissions; and
• 50% improvement in energy efficiency
As well as this, Waterways Ireland outlines seven objectives to deliver its corporate ambition. The first two objectives concentrate on people and processes; discussing how we will deliver through collaboration and engagement, and by leveraging our asset and resource management systems. The remaining five objectives focus on delivering across climate mitigation and climate adaptation. These integrated objectives are established to align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

Everyone’s contribution is gratefully welcome to Waterways Ireland’s ambition for climate action. This consultation is open until 17th January 2022 and submissions can be made through the following mediums:

  • Email:

  • Post: WICAP Consultation, Waterways Ireland, Dock Road, Drewsborough, Scarriff, Co. Clare V94 H7N1

  • Online Community Q&A: This is taking place on 11th November 2021 at 7pm – to reserve your place email

To read the full Waterways Ireland Climate Action Plan click HERE