Local authority planners of all disciplines that maintain responsibility, for both developing
and implementing evidenced based planning policy and standards at local level.
Online. Registeration for training through the LASNTG.
Through eight specifically focused modules, this course supports the target training group
in their role and responsibilities, to embed and implement climate action considerations
across the forward planning and development management dimensions of the regulatory
planning function of the local authority. This training course further supports Part 3 (n) of
the Local Authority Climate Action Charter.
Course Modules
Climate Change Science
An introduction to the fundamentals of climate change and its driving forces.
Climate Change Policy
Overview of the International, European and National obligations
relating to climate action and its relevance to spatial planning.
Water Management
Awareness of water management tools and the priorities required to
manage water to contribute positively as a climate action measure.
Biodiversity and Nature Based Solutions
Understanding the need to promote and cultivate natural responses
to climate change.
Awareness of planning policy options and tools for reducing energy
use and supporting renewable forms.
Flood Risk Management
Understanding the potential impacts of climate change and its relationship
to the Flood Risk Planning Guidelines.
Landuse and Governance I
Skills to apply emission accounting tools and awareness of the innovative
use of traditional planning tools to measure carbon reduction performance.
Landuse and Governance II
Peer review of different approaches in development plan and policy
preparation in respect of climate action.