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Electrification of Fleet and EV Charging

Electrification of Fleet and EV Charging

Date: 17 Aug 2021

New Guidance Document from CCMA Working Group

Increasing the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on our roads is one of the Government’s key interventions in the move to reduce fossil fuel energy consumption and GHG emissions. In this regard, LAs can demonstrate exemplary behaviour by investing in and developing sustainable transport.

Electrifying the LA fleet where technology, cost differential and resources allow, and assisting with the provision of EV charging infrastructure are two important areas where LAs can make a significant contribution to the national decarbonisation effort.

The CCMA, through the Climate Action, Transport and Networks (CATN) committee and the EV Charging Working Group has prepared the LA Electrification of Fleet and EV Charging Guidance Document to provide information and recommendations on both the electrification of the local authority fleet and the provision of public EV charging infrastructure.

The focus of the guidance is to outline key areas that local authorities should consider. The aim is for a user friendly and concise document of information, supported by appendices with more detail, specifics and useful links.

The Guidance Document can be downloaded HERE.