The Local Authority Climate, Water & Biodiversity Working Group, which sits under the CCMA Climate Change, Transport and Networks Committee, was set up to prepare and implement elements of agreed work between the local government shared services of the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO), the Climate Action Regional Offices (CAROs) as well as with local government work in Biodiversity.
A Climate, Water and Biodiversity Operational Group was established to assist the working group with their main objectives which include:
- Working to integrate training by each shared service to incorporate climate, water and biodiversity as three inter-dependent elements of a combined approach to the protection of our natural resources
- Look to develop closer cooperation between the shared services, their governance structures and the parent funding departments
- Collectively engage, and work with, other stakeholders that would further improve the local government sector’s joint approach on climate, water and biodiversity
The Working and Operational Groups also undertake any other duties that may be assigned from the CCMA Climate Change, Transport and Networks Committee as well as regularly reporting to the Committee on progress made.