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Events Programme

Rooftop Solar PV for Public Sector Buildings - Best Practice Workshop

13 May 2021


Event Duration

11am - 1pm

Event Description

Ireland's public sector are tasked to lead by example and are working to achieve ambitious energy efficiency and decarbonisation targets. Rooftop solar PV features in many public sector project pipelines due to its financial feasibility, minimum O&M requirements, and emissions reduction potential.

The best practice workshop has been curated for public bodies who are interested in learning from industry experts and their peers about solar PV technology and the practical considerations for desiging and delivering projects for their own buildings.

A draft agenda for the workhop:
11:00 - 11:05:   Introduction
11:05 - 11:15:   Policy Context - Orla Coyle SEAI
11:15 - 11:35:   Technology Overview - John Hassett, Tipperary Energy Agency
11:35 - 12:10:   Design and Delivery Considerations - Fergus Sharkey, SEAI
12:10 - 12:25:   Case Study - Insights from the Defence Forces - Eoghan Carton, Defence Forces
12:25 - 12:40:   Case Study - Lessons learned from the HSE - John Reilly, HSE
12:40 - 12:50:   Supports for the Public Sector - Louise Campion, SEAI
12:50 - 13:00:   Questions and Answers


Event Aims/Objectives

This workshop on Solar PV for public sector buildings is open to all who wish to advance their knowledge on this technical topic.  It is considered essential for:
  • public sector energy managers with responsibility for building energy use
  • Public bodies who are considering renewable energy, particularly rooftop PV systems
  • pubic sector capital teams, project managers and coordinators with responsibility for buildings.
Details on how to register will be listed on Energy Link