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World Cities Summit 2021

Events Programme

World Cities Summit 2021

22 Jul 2021

Event Duration

9:00am to 10:10am

Event Description

World Cities Summit 2021: Liveable and Sustainable Cities: Adapting to a Distrupted World

Technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) can improve lives, but may also increase vulnerabilities. How is technology driving change amidst global threats like COVID-19 and climate change, and at what cost? How can governments and businesses cooperate to help cities thrive in an ever-changing environment?

Featuring kenote speaker Mrs Josephine Teo (Minister for Communications and Information, and Minister-in-charge of Smart Nation and Cybersecurity, Singapore) and panelists Prof Carlo Ratti (Director, MIT Senseable City Lab), Mr Chew Men Leong (President, Urban Solutions, ST Engineering) and Mr Matthias Rebellius (Managing Board Member of Siemens AG and CEO of Smart Infrastructure). Moderated by Ms Alice Charles (Lead, Cities, Infrastructure and Urban Services, World Economic Forum).

Register for the event HERE.